conservative member of a conversation salon recently questioned why there is so
much negativity directed toward Trump and his supporters. It had not occurred
to me that supporters of Trump and his policies might genuinely not understand
why some people feel and express, perhaps inadequately or inappropriately at
times, such strong disdain and resistance. I can try to explain the source of
my feelings.
First, Trump’s personality. The Apprentice revealed
a cold, arbitrary, demanding, unreasonable task master. That type of person
evidently does not bother a lot of people, particularly people with those same
traits. I marveled at people’s willingness to subject themselves to that sort
of treatment in order to become Trump’s apprentice. To me, that treatment is
not acceptable and is not worth any amount of money. Which in some peoples’
estimation makes me a “loser”. For me Trump’s personality is not likable.
Secondly, Trump’s value system is worse than
his obnoxious personality. I perceive his value system to be materialistic,
which admittedly does permeate American society. Materialism refers to money
and power being the ultimate measure of whatever is worthwhile, good, and/or worthy.
For materialists the goals of attaining more money and power are more important
than the means by which they attain those things. Such people are unpredictable
and potentially dangerous.
Materialistic narcissistic bullies
without much power might be merely irritating to the nation or to the world in
general. When they possess the power of the President of the United States and
the determination to implement national policies in accord with the values of
materialism to whatever extent the law allows, it threatens the rights
opportunities of minorities, public health, and environmental quality. Since I
believe that we all have inalienable rights to live a healthful lifestyle and
to access the common good and that these values are more significant, more
valuable, and more genuinely American than millionaires and billionaires
becoming richer, I am not disposed to feel kindly toward those who threaten
those values for the sake of profit.
That is why I will continue to resist.
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